On Mon, Sep 24, 2001 at 12:46:26AM -0400, Rick Haines wrote:
> I see.  I have not had this happen yet (I've booted MacOS once after
> installing Linux).

you will see it.  i have a mailbox with literaly hundreds of messages
saying along the lines of `linux booting was working, then i booted
macos now linux won't boot no more!'

> He does mention this on the web page but apparently didn't know why it
> happens.  Has anyone emailed him about it yet?  Now when it happens to
> me I'll know why and can correct it.

i asked him to correct his misinformation but he never did.

so now i have a distinct increase of messages from people like above.
i had finally stopped getting so many of those after LinuxPPC started
going away, but nooo more misinformation has to be posted...

woody boot-floppies will not allow that configuration so once woody
becomes stable this should go away again..

Ethan Benson

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