On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 03:33:41PM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> It's certainly possible to change the boot-floppies over to 2.4
> kernels, but I doubt the wisdom of that.  I recently tried to run the
> kernel-image-2.4-powerpc (2.4.8-1) and it wouldn't even boot my
> machine (hung after the RTC stuff).  Not to mention that 2.4.8 is
> rather old.  So I question the maturity of that.  I certainly don't
> know of anyone testing the install system with kernel 2.4 on an array
> of PowerPC hardware.

i would question the wisdom of it too.. 2.4 is starting to approach
stability however, perhaps at 2.4.12 we could revisit this issue.
(woody certainly won't be released until 2.4.47 anyway right?) 2.4.10
may well end up being decent too.

the rtc issue however is purly a debian bug, you can't have both
CONFIG_RTC and CONFIG_PPC_RTC turned on at the same time (either in
kernel or as modules).

one other issue is 2.2 allegedly is unsuitable for the newwer G4
PowerMacs (quicksilvers) although i had no serious problems using
debian's 2.2.19 for a week or so while installing one recently.  it
seems to be ok enough to compile your own kernel (which is all dist
kernels are for IMHO anyway).  

Ethan Benson

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