Hello Kevin!

Kevin van Haaren schrieb:
> At 12:31 AM -0800 9/13/01, Ethan Benson wrote:
> >On Wed, Sep 12, 2001 at 06:17:54PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
> >>
> >>  Ethan, do you have any specific information on when/how HFS was corrupted?
> >
> >when you write to it.
> >
> >>  What kernel versions?
> >
> >2.*.*
> >
> >>  I've heard about this problem for a while, but I haven't seen anything 
> >> that
> >>  talked about what specific operations were performed to create the
> >>corruption.
> >
> >mounting it -o rw instead of -o ro is all thats required.
> Is it a guaranteed thing?  I've been mounting a small HFS partition
> and copying my kernels to it for boot x for a year.  I've not had any
> problems.  I don't compile a whole lot of kernels so I'm not writing
> to it everyday, but it isn't unusual for me to spend a weekend
> dinking around with a kernel and copying 2-10 kernels to the
> partition during that time.

Ethan is right, hfs-support is buggy. I´ve had a few kernel-panics at
least when i tried to remove a bunch of files from a hfs-partition. So I
do not remove any files form my hfs-partition :-) (I sometimes do with
MacOS). I never had a crash when I coppied my kernels to this partition
or remove one or two files.

Dipl. Ing. Christoph Ewering    C & E Informationsdienste GbR
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