Richard Barraclough wrote:
Firstly I 'd like to thank everbody who has
helped me to get my ethernet card working. I am
truly grateful.
Secondly, er, what next?!
I've been reading the HOWTOs but they're a bit
I want to use my machine to share a cable modem.
eth0 goes to a hub and is all currently set up;
I'm running telent, FTP, Apache etc. so that I
don't need to attach a monitor to the machine.
eth1 (the PCI card) will go to the cable modem.
I figure that the next thing to do is DHCP.
How to I get dhcpcd to configure ONLY eth1? (Does
eth1 need "ifconfig eth1 address up" first).
$ man interfaces
How do I det dhcpd to offer ONLY on eth0
$apt-cache search dhcp server
Install the one you fancy and read the docs
(we use dhcp in our office, works nicely)
How do I get inetd to listen to eth1 as well as
It will listen to both
The box will have to do IP Masquerade, this is
ipchains right? I think I can do ipchains.
I have that as a script on my iMac to offer masquerading to my laptop.
# install ipchains modulemodprobe ipchains
# enable IP forwarding
/sbin/sysctl -w net/ipv4/ip_forward=1 > /dev/null
# Deny all forwarding
ipchains -P forward DENY
# Forward (masquerade) to eth0 (internet) what comes from
ipchains -A forward -i eth0 -s -j MASQ
What have I forgotten?
TO READ THE BLOODY MANUALS (try not to stain your shirt with the blood btw)
Thank you, fantastic people, for even bothering
to read this.
We love you as well