> On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 02:33:28PM -0700, Chris Tillman wrote:
>> Before I changed to linux keycodes, the control-shift-power key combination
>> would restart my computer. Now that doesn't work, I get
>> unknown scancode e0 5e
>> I guess that's because linux doesn't recognize the power up key as a real
>> Is there another combination that works now? I tried different modifier keys
>> with delete, ala 386, but probably our delete key which is really backspace
>> not really delete. Any ideas?
> control alt delete
> delete key being the forward delete key, not backspace.

Cool. But I don't have a forward delete key, that I'm aware of. What's it
labeled (I have the standard USB Mac keyboard)? IIRC, you're using another
keyboard with your B&W?

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| `. `'`  |      . oo       Chris Tillman                        |
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