Hi all, This message describes some problems I've ran into while installing a Debian distr (2.2r3 + update stable) on a new iBook 2001 (P29 aka Marble).
First it seems that the kernel that ships on the CD is a pre 2.2.18 and won't boot on this machine. So I got a 2.2.18 from Suse (god forbids!) just to use with yaboot during installation. After I was done with the installation, I downloaded the 2.2.19. More exactly, I updated the stable (potato) on top of a freshly installed 2.2r3 and then moved the vmlinux kernel from / to my bootstrap partition where yaboot is located, then changed the yaboot.conf file to point to the new kernel. The result when I reboot is a white screen with Do-QUIESCE finishedbooting hanging (it seems to continue booting, I just can't see it.) Rebooting with the original 2.2.18 works fine. On the iBook 2001, I have to set "video=ofonly" to get video at boot time. Is this related? It seems that the OS is still loading but I can't see it. Next, I updated to the testing release (woody) on the linux partition and leaving 2.2.18 in the bootstrap partition to start with yaboot, the keyboard is mapped totally wrong just after loading the USB drivers from the linux partition it seems (I type when booting and keys are ok until usb is detected and loaded.) Note: the internal keyboard on the iBook is USB. After installing woody, I noticed that the /lib/modules dir still doesn't contain a 2.4 subdir in there, only a 2.2.19 (part of the potato update.) So no drivers from 2.4 can be loaded. Is this intented to be that way on a PPC machine? It would seem that doing a woody update on a potato update would get me the modules for 2.4 in my linux partition, right? Coming back to the white screen problem, if I move any kernel higher than 2.2.18 in my bootstrap partition, I get the white screen and DO-QUIESCE frozen display even with woody installed in the linux partition (and I still get the broken keyboard problem.) Thanks for your help in advance, Laurent