On Thu, 30 Aug 2001, Jules Bean wrote:

> [trim addresses when replying, but keep me in, I don't read either list!]

Will do; however, note that the m68k porters list is not debian-68k
(that's only for users), but [EMAIL PROTECTED] (changed Cc

> I'd like to respectfully request some help getting LyX built on M68K
> and PowerPC.
> LyX is contrib, but the non-free library it depends upon,
> libforms0.89, is up-to-date on m68k and powerpc, AFAICS, so that
> should be OK.
> Trying to access the build logs doesn't bring up anything, so I assume 
> a build hasn't been attempted?

According to the program "madison" on auric, lyx is current on PowerPC,
but not on m68k.

It also seems that no-one is building lyx either. Worse: the wanna-build
database at kullervo doesn't know about lyx.

This should be fixed. Anyone?

> The packages has been successfully autobuilt on sparc and alpha, so it 
> must be basically buildable ;)
> I'm happy to do the build myself, if there are machines available to
> me with sid libraries (a breif look at the machine matrix suggests
> there isn't, for m68k).

That won't be necessary, I suppose.

wouter dot verhelst at advalvas in Belgium

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