Individual . . wrote: > A cople of people have mentioned woody and potato. I know they are > different (in a chronological sense) versions of Debian, but what I > don't know is where 2.2_rev3 falls. I have a feeling its older > (potato?).
That's right. Potato is the latest stable release, version 2.2. Woody is the current "testing" distribution. Eventually it will be frozen, released, and given a version number. > I have 100MB to go on the Disk One download of version 2.2_rev3, and > after Chris Tillman suggested using woody, I'm starting to wonder if > this download was unnecesary. The potato disk should work fine for most users, provided you carefully follow the documentation. If for some reason the 2.2r3 install doesn't work for you, then we can give you instructions for using woody boot disks with your potato CD. After you've installed potato (using either its boot disks or the ones in testing), you can upgrade to woody very easily at any time. > My question is this: will I be able to find a CD image for woody? I've > checked a few "/debian-cd/" paths in the mirror FTPs, and I didn't see > anything that said "woody" on it... :-). No, there won't be CD images of woody until it is released.