On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 12:27:54PM -0700, Russell Williams wrote:
> Are there any other ways to protect PPC laptops if I
> leave one alone for some minutes or if it is stolen.

don't leave them unattended.  (duh)

> How do you protect your laptops?

if the powerbook is new enough it will have OpenFirmware security
features which will prevent booting, or booting with alternate boot
media.  combine that with yaboot's password protection and you will
have to disassemble the thing to disable the firmware security or
remove the disk.  

depending on who stole it and thier intentions that won't do you any
good, if they are after the data they will get it, unless you heavily
encrypt it.  most will simply want to sell the machine, firmware
passwords and *nix login prompts very well may discourage them since
trying to sell a computer for which you have no passwords tends to
look a wee bit suspicious (well i would be anyway..)

for a bit of humor, there was a article on The Register awhile back
where someone stole a laptop, which was running debian and returned it
when they booted it to find, not the friendly `Press Cancel to get
root' Windows 98 but a debian Login: prompt.

Ethan Benson

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