Hello all, I've had a strange occurence on my Beige G3/266: first, the sound module dma_sound (or whatever its official name is) crashed on me -- my sound went from okay to extremely staticky...so, I thought, restart the X server...but that just crashed the rest of the X server, and then crashed the rest of the machine because the X server just drops you back to the shell if there's any problems. The shell is where I get the message about the dma_sound repeating over and over again. So, I reboot, fsck does its thing, leaves me a message I can't read in the console since the text is still funky. I then reboot again into a 2.2.18 kernel ( the kernel module that failed on me was from a benh-2.4-8pre7-ben0 or thereabouts kernel) so I can read the text. But, no dice, no message. But I go to check my mail, and now my Inbox on KMail is empty. It wasn't before...all the rest of my mail is just peachy. I have several folders setup for various mailing lists, and they still have mail. Just not my Inbox.
Can anyone help? I'm running testing, if that's necessary to know... Thanks! Russell