>> I am using a new 2.4.8-ben0 kernel compiled from source got from rsync
    >> on an iBook old model.
    >> I knew  something about a  new version of  pmud working good  but mine
    >> (1.9 from debian woody) tells me it cannot work fine....

    Michael>  There is  no  pmud version  1.9  - 0.7-5  is the  latest
    Michael> version.

Oh, I can't understand where I found this number, sorry..... 


[leandro: ~]$ dpkg -l pmud
ii  pmud           0.7-5          Apple PowerBook power management daemon

    Michael>  Please check  your  version, and  post  the exact  error
    Michael> message.

Aug 19 21:52:20  clementino pmud[295]: pmud [treshold =  420, margin =
                            15] started
Aug 19 21:52:20 clementino pmud[295]: PMU version 12: iBook
Aug 19 21:52:20 clementino  pmud[295]: Sleep for this PMU unsupported:
                            will shutdown the machine on sleep request

    >> Is there a new version of pmud?

    Michael> Nope. No time  to implement the necessary "which friggin'
    Michael> kernel  version is that user  running, so we  can sort of
    Michael> guess if sleep is safe" bits yet.
    Michael> Remove  the shutdown command  from pwrctl if you  want to
    Michael> live on the bleeding edge.

But will it work?

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