Hey, I like basic questions. The latest mol package on the maconlinux.org 
website is 0.9.58, unless I go to the ftp site, where there is 0.9.59, but no 
.60. Where else would it be?
I did (finally) look at the archives, and pulled something out of 
http://debian.jones.dk/debian/local/auryn/pool/misc-jones/mol/ and it 
compiled a little bit better (aka, it completed with a "processed fine" 
message), but then when I run startmol, I'm told there is no mol.o 
module....and sure enough, I do a "find" and it ain't there...or anywhere, 
really. It seems not to have been compiled. 

Thanks for the help!


On Sunday 19 August 2001 07:04, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
> Hi,
> Russell Hires writes:
> > Not having researched the mailiing lists, I thought I'd just post a
> > question about Mac On Linux.  As in, I'm running a 2.4-pre8ben0
> > kernel, and when I issue the make-kpkg modules_image command, it
> > fails and gives me the message "Module /usr/src/modules/mol failed."
> >
> > What can I do to correct this?
> Sorry to ask the obvious questions first, but you are using the
> current packages (0.9.60-2) and all the build-dependencies are
> satisfied?  If all this is the case, just send me the complete output
> of the `make-kpkg modules_image' command.
> Regards, Jens.

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