On 15/08/01 2:45, "Ethan Benson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 15, 2001 at 01:43:02AM +0200, pejvan wrote:
>> Well my problem is that before I installed OS X, everything worked fine, and
>> i sure did use my linux and i simply dont want to reinstall it because it
>> worked really nice...
> thats why i need as much info as possible from your machine to try and
> figure out what games OSX is playing to cause these problems.  your
> not the first to report fsckage and search-and-destroy-GNU-OSes type
> behavior from installing OSX.
>> Do you think my bootstrap partition could have been corrupted in some way ?
> mkofboot will repair any such damage.  1.2.4 (in debian sid now) will
> even zero out the first 800K of the bootstrap partition to be sure.
> but please send me output from:
> mac-fdisk -l /dev/hda
> nvsetenv
> mkofboot -f 2>&1
> /etc/yaboot.conf
> only with this info can i even begin to guess what is wrong.  my guess
> is apple screwed around with the partition ordering, or changed the
> type of the bootstrap partition to break it, either of those is
> fixable with mac-fdisk and parted.  or if your bootstrap partition is
> Apple_HFS instead of the correct Apple_Bootstrap it is probably
> getting corrupted by MacOS/X

OK i just checked, and it seems my bootstrap type has been changed to
Apple_HFS, so changing the type of this to Apple_Boostrap should fix
everything ?



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