On Tue, Aug 14, 2001 at 10:39:03AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does anyone ever have tried this? Does anyone know if
> the mouse requires a PC serial port (rs232) or if it
> works on macs (rs???) as well? are the drivers for
> gpm and (most importantly) X compiled-in (or left out
> due to "improbable config")?

Well, mac serial ports are rs232, just a different connector.  I'm not sure
about how well serial mice are supported in the ppc X/linux trees, though.
Brian Hicks* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Crush the lesser races!  Conquer the
   PGP:  0xADDD1F16              galaxy! Incredible power, unlimited rice
  <http://eight.dhs.org>         pudding, et cetera, et cetera."
 *Not Brian Behlendorf               -- The Doctor

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