On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 02:17:02AM -0600, Bradley C. Midgley wrote:
> it is possible to create new world bootable cd's without driver
> partitions. there are just a bunch of hfs details to worry about. look at
> the bootable debian cd build process (it's a hybrid bootable only on new
> world i believe)

you do NOT need driver partitions on NewWorld bootable CDs.  

> also it is possible to have toast create an old+new world bootable cd
> image with a size of 650M and from linux repopulate it and burn the
> result. sorry if i have the details missing here but i did get this to
> work.

no toast won't create hybrid filesystems AFAIK, hybrid filesystem is
required since part of the debian archive is on CD1.  

> what *didn't* work for me was trying to have mkhybrid steal a driver
> partition from a real bootable cd to simplify doing everything from linux.
> this functionality is marked as experimental code and may or may not see
> more devel work.

oldworld bootable CDs are not possible, deal with it.  it require
proprietary non-distributable software (drivers).  

as for the correct way to run mkhybrid look at the current cvs version
of debian-cd.  

Ethan Benson

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