On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 11:30:45AM +0200, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> > > Got it in one.  It's uploading now, but may or may not make incoming.
> >
> > Couldn't we distribute that work among developers?
> I guess we could - you have an account on voltaire, right? The logs should
> be there for everyone to see.
> $ grep "Built successfully" ~buildd/logs/* | wc -l
> shows there's been 257 succesfully built packages since July 26. If you
> want to know which ones of those haven''t been uploaded yet you'll need to
> get yourself added to group Debian on auric, and play with wanna-build
> there.

No, group wb-ppc, actually.

> Extracting the .changes portion out of the log is a trivial exercise (but
> I can provide a perl script to do that). Just mail the signed .changes to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], subject needs to be exactly:
> Re: Log for successful build of <package_version> (dist=<dist>)
> BTW: I'm unable to build non-US stuff for most of the time at the moment.
> Now would be the perfect time for you (or any other non US-based
> developers) to jump in.

Just to be clear - please don't do that, all you'll do is confuse the
heck out of me when I get buildd errors when I process the mail later! 
I will set up a real worksharing system soon, I promise.

Daniel Jacobowitz                           Carnegie Mellon University
MontaVista Software                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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