Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> * Michel Daenzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20010802 15:14]:
> > On a related, if not quite as important note, new keymaps are needed
> > for international Apple USB keyboards to be fully supported. They
> > are available at,
> Hmm, I get an "an internal server error occured" when clicking on a
> map.  Do you have a local copy of them?  If so, can you send them to
> me.  How important is it really to include them?
> Hmm, some maps can be downloaded but they are in a strange format;
> seems like the web server messed them up.

Yes, seems to be a web server misconfiguration, will hopefully be fixed soon.
I've contacted the responsible people about it.

> > replacements for the same maps without the mac- prefix, so I imagine we
> Without the mac- prefix?  So for the i386/pc keymaps?

Yes, the maps are for Linux keycodes.

> > make that a suffix to add them to the choice of the specific keymap,
> > but I don't know enough about console-{data,common} to be sure.
> I'm not sure I understand you.  If we add them to the specific keymap
> list, to which one?  pc or mac?  i.e. where are people most likely to
> use those keyboards?
>                                         'powerpc/amiga' => [ 'amiga' ],
>                                         'powerpc/chrp' => [ 'pc', 'mac' ],
>                                         'powerpc/mac' => [ 'pc' ],
>                                         'powerpc/prep' => [ 'pc' ],
> Hmm, most are using 'pc' already; do the current Mac keymaps even make
> sense anymore?

Let's ask the CHRP guy(s) (hi Geert :). At any rate, I think we should leave
them available for those who absolutely want to still use ADB keycodes.

> I will probably add your new maps (provided that I get them) to 'pc' :
> 'Macintosh USB'.  Does that sound ok?

Not bad, it depends where the user would have to select that though. My idea
was to make this decision in the last question about the specific keymap to
use. AFAIK those maps are basically the same as the normal PC ones with some
changes to account for the peculiarities of Apple keyboards. So 'Apple USB'
would probably better, those keyboards can theoretically be used on any arch
after all.

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI project member

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