On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 05:24:51PM +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> Noah John wrote:
> > the ibook is definatly a good purchase.  from what i gather, some sound 
> > still doesn't work.  However, what i really meant to say was:
> > G3 500 MHz vs. i386.
> > is about an 800-933 MHz P3
> > is about a 733 MHz Athlon or P4
> > is about a GHz celeron (celeron has no b-side cache).
> You certainly have benchmarks to prove that ?
> The G3 in the iBook has only 128k of L2 cache, and it is slower than my 

Err, isn't that 256Ko of on die cache, like the PIII and the later athlons ?

> iMac G3 400 (which has 512k of this same cache).

Did you do any benchmarking on it ?

> If you want a powerhorse of a laptop, get a TiBook, or an x86 laptop. 
> The x86 will give you a crappy architecture, and not much battery life.

but the TiBook costs twice as much and more, and as said battery life on i386
is very bad, especially on the athlon/duron based ones.


Sven Luther

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