Hello together
First, I have to say thank you for the tips you gave me to solve my CD-ROM
problems! Now, I can eject my Disks. But unfortunately, the next problem is
waiting to be solved. After Potato has booted, my screen shows a login
window. There I can login as root. After that, my screen displays the debian
logo and some icons in the top right-hand corner. In the centre of the
screen is the mouse icon, but it won't work.
I use a MS Wheel Mouse Optical USB (PS/2 Compatible). I red someting about
gpmconfig, but when I use this command, nothing happens. Do I have to
install a "gpm-tool" ? And if so, where can I find it? Another thing I have
seen, is something about XF86Config. Could anybody help me?
By the way, is it possiple to change the settings, so that my debian system
doesn't boot automatically to the window with the debian logo? I would
prefere a level, where I can start XWindow and Genome myself.
Finally I would like to thank those, which help a beginner on the branches
to ahead all.
Roland Wegmann
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