"Jonathan Belson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> From an objective point of view, how could Sun have stopped
> Microsoft from distributing their non-standard JDK (ie. produces
> non-portable code by default) if they hadn't kept ownership of Java?

Simple - like Apache does:

You can't make a derivative of Apache and call it Apache without
permission of the Apache Software Foundation.

Likewise, you could include a clause like that in the license... "you
may not use the name java blah blah blah unless you pass all our tests
and meet approval and so on and so forth blah blah blah".

This leaves you free to create derivates, but means that you can't
pollute the standard.

David N. Welton
Free Software: http://people.debian.org/~davidw/
   Apache Tcl: http://tcl.apache.org/
     Personal: http://www.efn.org/~davidw/

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