Marshal Wong ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:

> Hello!
> I've been trying to get Mac-on-Linux running on my PowerBook prismo.
> I've compiled the modules, but I can't insert the mol.o module
> properly do to unresolved symbols.  specifically MUNGE_CONTEXT.  Also,
> only molsymglue1.o inserts properly.  mol.o doesn't insert after I
> insert molsymglue1.o either.

your mol is too old.  

> I'm currently running the BK development kernel. 2.4.7-pre6.
> Has anyone had any success?

the register games played in 2.4.5 were changed in 2.4.6.  recent
rsync's of mol have the fixes, but i don't know when such a version
will hit debian.


Rob Latham: linux A-Team                          Bethlehem, PA USA
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