I've got two machines. One is a PPC 7500 with an internal 1 Gb drive, and an external 4 Gb scsi drive. I've also got a B&W G3 300mhz with a 6Gb internal drive.
On the Blue and White, I was hoping to buy external firewire drives to boot from, while leaving mac OS 9.0 on the internal drive. Does Debian PPC support firewire drives? Will the machine boot from a firewire drive? IAnyone know where I can find some documentation on this? On the PPC 7500, I would like to Install Debian on the 4Gb external drive, and BSD on the 1 Gb internal drive, and no macOS at all. After reading through the installation manual quite a few times, I am guessing that the easiest way to install Debian onto the external drive is to install a base macOS on a partition, and then install debian? I have been looking for some online documentation that is concise enough for me to understand, as I have never installed debian on anything, and previous experience with linux and bsd was on intel hardware. Any advice on where to look for documentation? Samuel Rose www.zerohour.net/paralleljournal