On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, Ethan Benson wrote:

> * console-data when upgraded from previous versions will check the
>   status of the dev/mac_hid/keyboard_sends_linux_keycodes sysctl:
>       - If the sysctl does not exist at all we have either a custom,
>         misconfigured kernel, or a very old potato kernel.  Explain
>         this situation and what to do about it [2].

I believe that this sysctl only exists on systems with *both* H the new
input layer *and* CONFIG_MAC_ADBKEYCODES. This was true as of 2.2.17, but
I haven't tested empirically since then.

I this is correct, then we can't use the sysctl to distinguish old kernels
with no new input layer from new kernels with no adb keycodes.

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