On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 07:58:20PM -0700, Andrew Sharp wrote:
> don't forget sed and nano-tiny!  Is the controversy over, and
> nano-tiny just nano now, or was there a just plain nano all along? 
> Inquiring minds...

boot-floppies now use nano-tiny, we have taken ae out back and shot it
in the head, then we let the `traceroute should be in /usr/bin!'
people go out and beat it's dead carcus until there was nothing left
that could remotly be recognizable.

i don't know whats different about nano vs nano-tiny, other then one
being smaller then the other.  they are both far to crippled for my
tastes.  (but at least they don't suck mountains through coffee
stirrers like ae does). 

Ethan Benson 

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