Am Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2001 11:23 schrieb Steven Hanley:
> On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 11:11:27AM +0200, Lorenzo De Vito wrote:
> > I'm looking for Wine, but all binaries that I've found are for i386 only,
> > there is a porting for PPC ? I've looked to:
> >
> >
> >
> > in  the download page: "Download Page for wine_0.0.20000109-3.deb on
> > Intel x86 machines"
> wont work on powerpc, wine is not a machine emulator, it actually ends up
> running windows code on the host machine, so it has to be used on an x86
> architecture.

But what about winelib? It should be possible to compile winelib on ppc and 
then compile windows-software with this winelib. I am thinking of software 
like kylix or Corel Photopaint, wich were ported to Linux using winelib but 
only run on x86.

mfg Fabian

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