On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:

}Of the G3-powerbooks, the 233mhz wallstreet is the onlyone wiht dual scan
}display. There is also one version of the 2400 PowerBook which has dual
}scan. LinuxPPC claims to support both the 2400's and the G3's. But since
}dual scan is relatively seldom on the PCI-macs, I fear that they have been
}left out. The rest of the dual scan power books are also few and counts for
}pb's which generally aren't considered to work with Linux (like 1400

I am not sure if being dual-scan or not makes a difference or not ...  I
think what's more important is your kernel have support for the graphics
chip in these powerbooks (which is the CT6555* for the 3400s and 2400s
models).  Ever since linuxPPC 1999 (which I know are dirty words around
here :) and the 2.2.12 kernels - I've gotten Linux running without any
major graphics problems.  In the text console, there were no issue that
I could remember.  For X - I was able to get things up and running using
Xpmac.9 or .10.


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