Ethan Benson wrote: > > On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 12:14:04PM +0200, Michel Lanners wrote: > > > > > > > > > > I had tried your guide too, Ethan, but it didnt work the same way Ron > > describes it here (on a TiBook). > > > > I had first tried with a pure bootp server, since OF should fall back to > > using bootp if DHCP didn't work. No dice... > > Brad Midgley told me newer machines are only willing to use bootp it > appears.
Doesn't the current dhcpd-2.2 that comes with potato support both (dhcp/bootp) simultaneously? > > I then tried with a dhcp server, for which I got the same log entries as > > Ron. And it didn't want to netboot.... > > :shrug: maybe apple changed OF to use a non-standard, apple > proprietary dhcp/bootp protocol so that you have to buy OSX Server to > netboot macs. > > > Gave up on netbooting.... but I may try again with standards docs at > > hand and a sniffer to find out what's up. > > that would be the thing to do. Is there something wrong with tcpdump? Many open source packages out there that can analyse/summarize tcpdump output very nicely for all kinds of things. That would be a lot easier and probably faster than getting your hands on a sniffa ... ~:^) a