On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 01:21:00AM -0500, Jamie Hutt wrote:
> I've installed Potato on a Mac 7500, a two-scsi-bus, OldWorld machine. When
> I'm doing a large file copy from one Mac to the Debian box via SAMBA (and
> FTP too!) the collision lights on my hubs go nuts and the Debian machine's

large data transfers over dumb hubs is completly normal.  if you don't
like it replace the hub with a switch.  

> monitor fills up with line after line of SCSI I/O error messages.
> The errors don't seem to be completely recorded in /var/log/messages, but
> here are the details from that file:

this is not normal, either broken kernel config or more likely broken
hardware. perhaps your scsi chain is not properly configured?

Ethan Benson

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