On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 02:49:22PM +0200, David N. Welton wrote:

> I think the missing information this person wants to know is that
> under linux, threads get seperate pid's.  It's in the manual, but
> finding the right manual might not always be easy.  So anyway, to
> answer the question, yes, they are threads, and mozilla is a
> tremendous hog.

its a pig but its not a 149MB pig.  oddly enough mozilla is leaner
then NS4, NS4 would start at 19MB but quickly bloat to an excess of 40
and 50MB, mozilla i have never seen stay higher then 32MB or so.  

the slowness is that garbage XUL interface thing mozilla uses, galeon
solves that problem very nicely.  (as does skipstone)

> > w3m
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=w3m&archive=no
> Although it seems to work now... I suspect the problem was with the
> GC.  Wonder if that got updated.

:shrug: works under potato.  

Ethan Benson

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