On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 07:48:51PM -0600, Patrick Klee wrote:
> Hi,
>     I am getting Debian PPC, from a guy on the net, but I was wondering how
> stable is it?  I have an iMac DVSE, and was wondering, before I get it, will

its very stable, though it does depend on the kernel you run.  2.4 has
alot of funnies that you won't find very funny.  

> it work?  I have had bad experiences with SuSE 7.0, where when I reboot or
> shutdown I get a gray screen, and have to re-install.  I want to be able to

thats because they don't know how to install a bootloader correctly.  

> TOTALLY erase MacOS 9.1 with Debian, does this mean I might need the open
> firmware update before I get debian?  My computer was bought in summer of
> 2000.  

Debian is the dist for you.  please read the install docs about how to
run mkofboot manually.  or try out the woody boot-floppies (these are
development still). also read

it explains how to erase teh disk completly in debian so you can
really get rid of MacOS (including all that driver in teh partition

> I can't wait to install Debian, because I play Netrek on x86, and this way I
> could play netrek against a friend, because this person is sending x86
> Debian as well as PPC.  :-)

you will like it, read the docs and come by #debianppc on OpenProjects.  

Ethan Benson

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