On Fri, Jun 15, 2001 at 06:22:49PM +0200, Andrei Verovski wrote:
> >I've been using an ext2 /boot and a reiserfs /, for over a month using
> >1.2.1. 
> >
> I'm, too, but on PC. On my iBook Indigo yaboot completely refused to work 
> with ext2 /boot and reiserfs /root. Tried everything, then just erased 
> ext2 /boot. Seems like black magic rather than technology rigth now. 
> Anyway, I would not recommend such combo to anyone.

one other thing that can bite you is the way you create symlinks.
remember yaboot reads the filesystem and has no idea about
mountpoints.  so when it reads /boot it thinks its /

thus if you have a /boot partition and have image=/boot/vmlinux yaboot
will look for /boot/boot/vmlinux (from your perpective).  vmlinux
symlinks in /boot MUST be relative, yaboot can't resolve a
/boot/vmlinux -> /boot/vmlinux-2.2.19 because as far as yaboot is
concerned /boot == / and thus /boot does not exist.  

its because of these semantic differences in behavior that i
discourage /boot partitions unless they are absolutly necessary (eg
you insist on making / xfs or reiserfs).  

Ethan Benson

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