On Mon, Jun 11, 2001 at 10:17:01AM +0200, Andrei Verovski wrote:
> Hi,
> I have encontered the following problem (on Apple iBook FireWire Indigo, 
> Summer 2000 model with Rage 128 Mobility) while upgrading from XFree 4.01 
> to 4.02 - my manually tweaked XF86Config does not work anymore. startx 
> results abort either in libxramdac either in libxaa.

This might be the problem I had on my pismo.  When I migrated from 4.0.1
to 4.0.2 X would crash (I don't remember at what point, though).  One day,
Tired of constantly recompiling, I turned on UseFBDev, and it worked.

Brian Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Crush the lesser races!  Conquer the
PGP:  BCC1 8D1B 2332 4915 2A7A  galaxy! Incredible power, unlimited rice
      4675 8CB1 DC22 ADDD 1F16  pudding, et cetera, et cetera."
  <http://eight.dhs.org>           -- The Doctor

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