On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 02:19:58AM +0200, Karl-Heinz Haag wrote:
> Quoting Mark K. Gardner ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> ....
> > 
> >   mkofboot --boot /dev/hda9 -m /usr/lib/yaboot/ofboot --root \
> >     /dev/hda11 --partition 11

this version generates a very basic yaboot.conf on the fly to install
into the bootstrap partition, it IGNORES /etc/yaboot.conf. 

> Additional directly after this step I did a 'ybin -v' 
> This command -I think- wrote some information from the /etc/yaboot.conf
> into the 'Apple_Bootstrap' partition. 

yes, ybin run without any of --root --partition --device will use
/etc/yaboot.conf as is, if its not correct you don't boot. 

> Because of the verbosity option I got the information that 'yabin' wrote
> some kind of hfs filesystem to the bootstrap. 
> After this process booting my G4 Cube with the option key showed the HDD
> icon with the penguin.

as it should

>       ....before I did the OFWUpdate :-((

what happened then?  the OpenFirmware update should have no effect on
the bootstrap partition.  

Ethan Benson

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