Is there some way of checking the OF for version information? If there is,
perhaps there could be some unification of the utilities...i.e., version 1.0
is OldWorld, version 3 is New...then the appropriate steps would be followed
depending on version.


      "I don't care if you're going nowhere,
       Just take good care of the world."
                            -- Depeche Mode

>From: Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Debian-powerpc <>
>Subject: Re: RFC: What should be done about kernel-image's bootloader questions
>Date: Tue, Jun 5, 2001, 6:25 PM

> On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 06:42:24PM +0200, Michel Dänzer wrote:
>> APUS has its own, BootX/loadlin-style bootloader which resides on the AmigaOS
>> side completely. I already contacted the kernel-package maintainer about
>> asking him about his thoughts on just prompting the user to undertake the
>> necessary steps to boot the new kernel (it currently thinks we use LILO
>> *shudder*), but haven't got any response yet.
> i don't think he is interested in supporting non-bootloaders that rely
> on other OSes to function.  this is however already supported but you
> must configure it yourself.
> read the kernel-img.conf man page.  (in woody, not potato).
> im not sure how it thinks you use lilo... since lilo can't be
> installed on a powerpc if its choosing to use lilo it would end up
> saying nothing in the postinst, which i think is correct when the
> native bootloader is not directly supported.  (unlike with newworld
> powermacs where it runs the WRONG bootloader (which is installable)).
> --
> Ethan Benson

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