On   4 Jun, this message from Brendan J Simon echoed through cyberspace:
> I'm trying to get my Airport wireless networking going with my TiBook.  
> I have downloaded the latest kernel (2.4.5pre5) source from fsmlabs 
> using rsync.  I managed to compile the kernel but it crashes on 
> startup.  I have compiled most things as modules but the kernel doesn't 
> even get as far as mounting the root filesystem.  It crashes almost 
> imediately from yaboot and drops into OpenFirmware.

I tend to stay with BenH's kernel tree on penguinppc.org:
rsync -auvz --delete penguinppc.org::linux-2.4-benh linux-2.4.benh

That's AFAICT the best kernel tree for PowerMacs (if you want 2.4; and I
suggest you do on the newer machines: stable and more performance).

> What kernels are known to work with the airport.

BenH's kernels are the cutting-edge Airport-wise. He rewrote the Airport
stuff recently, and it's been working absolutely fine for me. Keep in
mind that you need to remove the Airport module for now before sleeping
(in order to power it down, and to avoid amnesia after wakeup).

Here's what I do in /etc/power/pwrctl (maybe not the best place to do

                ifdown eth1 && {
                        rmmod airport
                        touch /tmp/airport-on
                [ -f /tmp/airport-on ] && {
                        rm /tmp/airport-on
                        ifup eth1

The modules.conf calls a config script for Airport after insmod, to get
the settings back.

> Could you send me a copy of your .config if you have a working airport 
> system.

# Wireless LAN (non-hamradio)
# CONFIG_STRIP is not set
# CONFIG_WAVELAN is not set
# CONFIG_ARLAN is not set
# CONFIG_AIRONET4500 is not set
# CONFIG_AIRONET4500_NONCS is not set
# CONFIG_AIRONET4500_PROC is not set

# Wireless Pcmcia cards support

All of this is still a bit ambigous; above options are selected in 'Net
devices', 'Wireless', and _not_ under 'Net devices', 'PCMCIA'.



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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