> Please can any one help
> I have installed Debian  2.2 r3 on my G4, started x ok but have been
> unable to sort out the mouse.
> I have been able to edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config with emacs which at
> this present time is set at
> DEVICE /dev/mouse
> Can anyone offer any advice on the correct setup?
> I have a Logitech  Mouseman
> Iiyama Vision Master Pro 410 Monitor
> Regards
> Rod Brookes

Courtesy Ethan Benson (where should this be documented?) :

if using 2.2.18pre21 or later:

change the mouse device to /dev/input/mice.

if that does not exist run this script as root:

    8><  -- snip --

#! /bin/sh -e

if [ `id -u` !=3D 0 ] ; then
        echo 1>&2 "You are not root, go away"
        exit 1

cd /dev
mkdir -m 755 input
cd input
mknod -m 640 mice c 13 63
mknod -m 640 event0 c 13 64
mknod -m 640 event1 c 13 65
mknod -m 640 event2 c 13 66
mknod -m 640 event3 c 13 67
mknod -m 644 js0 c 13 0
mknod -m 644 js1 c 13 1
mknod -m 644 js2 c 13 2
mknod -m 644 js3 c 13 3
mknod -m 640 mouse0 c 13 32
mknod -m 640 mouse1 c 13 33
mknod -m 640 mouse2 c 13 34
mknod -m 640 mouse3 c 13 35
cd /dev
rm -f mouse
ln -s input/mice mouse
rm -f adbmouse usbmouse

echo "input devices created successfully"
exit 0

    8><  -- snip --


Chris Tillman

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