On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 11:43:06PM -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> So, I finally got my TiBook back from Apple repair, who kindly
> reinstalled MacOS.  After re-erasing it and installing potato r3, I
> tried to boot my new Debian system, and I got the "image not found"
> message from yaboot.
> At first, I thought I'd screwed up mkofboot, but I eventually traced
> this message back to the problem that on the new system, /vmlinux was
> a symlink to boot/vmlinux-2.2.19, which didn't exist!  In fact, my
> whole /boot directory was empty.  And just now, looking at the output
> of "dpkg -l 'kernel-image*'", I don't have any kernel images
> installed.

well thats normal... sortof.  the kernel is installed as part of the
`install OS and kernel modules' which copies the kernel from the
rescue image.  you should have at least had the quik cruft in thier

> Using OF, I was able to boot from the kernel from the CDROM with
> root=/dev/hda5, and from there finish the installation.
> One other thing; I noticed that the potato r3 CDROM booted on my
> TiBook, but there was just a white screen.  I went into OF and booted
> using video=ofonly, which worked.  Maybe video=ofonly could be made
> the default for installations?  There's probably some reason it's not
> (I know next to nothing about the PPC world), but I thought I'd
> mention it.

probably a good idea, enough machines need it... it works on all of
them it just makes things hideously slow.  i would prefer getting
framebuffer patches into the debian kernels so its not required
though.  running a system with video=ofonly is PAINFUL.

Ethan Benson

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