On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 09:07:08PM -0600, Jason E. Stewart wrote:
> It's probably not a keymap issue. At least it wasn't for me. You have
> to press the keys in the proper order and use the 'Fn' key to activate
> the Function keys.
> To switch from X to VC: Hold down apple (command), the press and hold
> down 'Ctrl' (control), then press and hold down 'Fn', then press the
> Function key (F1-F6).
> To switch from X to VC: Hold down command (apple), then press and hold
> down 'Fn', then press the Function key (F7 depending on which VC X is
> on).

Thanks, that did help.  For some reason, I was expecting to use the
alt/option key instead.  I had tried holding down random keys in the
lower-left corner, but that only gets you so far.
Brian Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Crush the lesser races!  Conquer the
PGP:  BCC1 8D1B 2332 4915 2A7A  galaxy! Incredible power, unlimited rice
      4675 8CB1 DC22 ADDD 1F16  pudding, et cetera, et cetera."
  <http://eight.dhs.org>           -- The Doctor

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