On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 07:47:06AM +0200, Timo Schoeler wrote:
> hello,
> i am relatively new to debian (i used it a few years ago on x86...) 
> 'cos i moved from SuSE to debian (now guess why ;)
> i do have a few machines at home:
> one pre-gbit g4 (1gig of ram, two ata-discs)
> one pm 8200/120 (64meg, one 1gig scsi hd and one 4gb scsi hd, 
> additional smc 9432tx 'etherpower II' and a farallon 10/100 card 
> based on a DEC 21143 chipset 'Tulip')
> one Sun SPARCstation 5 Model 170 and one half Ultra (has to be re-assembled ;)
> ok, so i used to build the 8200 as a tiny server (if it works fine, 
> it'll get a controller and a really big hd) using netatalk, nfs 
> (perhaps, after a while, nis additionally) and smb (when friends with 
> their x86 come).
> using suse linux netatalk ran fine for me, even nfs worked. 
> fortunately it wasn't able to address any other NIC than the onboard 
> one (just 10mbit, oh dear) -- it's capitalistic, too, so... ;)
> ok, now my two questions of the day:
> * is there any way to become one of these additional NICs running (i 
> just have two different in this machine cos i wanted to test which 
> one works under suse -- none of them did)? under suse the smc card 
> (using the 'epic100'-driver) hangs the *whole* system (hard reset 
> req'd), e.g. by typing 'rcnetwork restart'. the farallon card doesn't 
> work cos of 'i/o-errors', don't know the exact words... [both cards 
> work fine under mac os -- but asip died in the last weeks and doesn't 
> talk nfs/nis]
> * have problems booting my g4 via bootX (guess, this is the wrongest 
> way for a new world machine, isn't it?) as far as i have seen, debian 
> utilizes yaboot, too. i'll try it that way...
> *** is there any working NIC besides the onboard ones? ***

 Last time I tried, I had my Cogent EM-100 working.  It uses the DEC 21140
(aka tulip) chipset, and is supported by the "tulip" driver.  I've been using
the built-in MACE in my oldworld, but I guarantee that I had a tulip NIC
working in my powermac.  I think this was with 2.2.17 (yeah, that long ago :)

#define X(x,y) x##y
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] , ns.ca)

"The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces!" -- Plautus, 200 BCE

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