On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 03:38:03PM +0200, morten wrote:
> I was suggested to look at 
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-powerpc-0105/msg00325.html
> which solved the problem.
> Thanks to all for your advice.
> I see the difference being
> # ofpath /dev/sda
> /bandit/gc/53c94/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # nvsetenv boot-device /bandit/gc/53c94/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0
> vs.
> # nvsetenv boot-device "$(ofpath /dev/sda)0"
> is the "" that important?

the "" do not matter much, that just ensures the shell will not try
and interpret whatever $(ofpath /dev/sda) expands to. 

the important difference in this case is you cannot use the latter
method with ofpath older then version 0.9, anything older then that
will produce corrupted paths which OF will probably not like. 

i am going to see whether i can get a backported fix for that bug into
potato r4 or not.  no guarentees...

> There are, of course, another problem...
> I do dhcp to get the ip adress, and that works, but when it has gotten its IP
> adress it stops communicating with the outside world. I have to set the 
> promisc
> mode and tried changing media 100base2 and 10base2, but that was not it.

i don't know about this, sounds like the crappy ethernet chips used in
these machines.  

Ethan Benson

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