Xine works alot better than OMS anyway. Still not good enough to watch a movie on my TiBook-400Mhz, but I guess it will improve over time.

I'm new to the "power-pc scene", so this might sound stupid. There seems to be different kernel's around (benh, bitkeper, etc), will one of these give better performance on my powerbook-G4?


Michel Dänzer wrote:

Mark Nellemann wrote:

I installed the libsmpeg and the smpeg-xmms packages. XMMS plays all my
mpeg's perfectly now!

What about DivX and DVD's? Anyone got a tip?

For DVD, you can try my Xine packages:

or VLC from . Beware that neither gives smooth playback yet.

For DivX, we're out of luck I'm afraid. I've been trying in vain to get
OpenDivX working, and even if it worked it wouldn't play all the DivX movies
available. For those you need Win32 codecs.

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