
Searching for Bootdisks for IBM Thinkpad pSeries 820 
@ Sat, 19 May 2001 09:58:01 +0200
Michael Flaig wrote :
>I want to install Debian on an IBM pSeries 820 Thinkpad.
>Has anybody yet installed Debian on such an Machine ?
>Where can I get working Bootdisks, because the PReP ones at ftp.debian.org 
>didn岐 work.
>I幾e got the Debian PowerPC CD here but can岐 boot.
>Thanks for you help ...

This may be PReP, so you could be boot from floppy like IBM PowerSeries
and PowerStack.

The CD may be able to boot only from Machintosh, not for PReP.
If you would like to boot from CDROM, you need to make the image
yourself with mkhybrid, and burn to CD-R. 
(I wrote the way how to do this on the list in this week.)

Best regards.
Kaz Aoshima = Editor of the PReP station
Solid Surface Lab. of Material development, 
Faculty of engineering, Tohoku University, Japan
#I would appreciate if you could give me suggestions
 for my impolite English expressions.

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