On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 01:24:12AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote: > On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 02:01:15AM -0300, Peter Cordes wrote: > > On Thu, May 17, 2001 at 04:39:49AM -0800, Ethan Benson wrote: > > > for example when you upgrade libc every bash process must be killed > > > before remounting of /usr is possible since it mmaps some locale file > > > (IME anyway). > > > > (Almost) everything mmap()s /lib/libc.so.6. That's probably more important > > this is true, but not relevant to remounting /usr since /lib/libc is > not in /usr ;-)
Damn, what was I smoking when I wrote that? I wonder if there's any more... (j/k, smoking sucks :) There are a lot of libs in /usr, so you'd have to restart X (whole whack of stuff in /usr/X11R6/lib), sshd (libcrypto in /usr/lib), log out of all ssh sessions (libcrypto again), and certainly other things. All that stuff wouldn't get upgraded all at once, so it's not like with libc. Ah well, I should get more sleep... -- #define X(x,y) x##y Peter Cordes ; e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] , ns.ca) "The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours! Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack my day so wretchedly into small pieces!" -- Plautus, 200 BCE