On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 07:13:40PM +0200, Claus wrote:
> hi,
> this is the problem:
> I've got a 2,5" HD with a msdos partition table and
> want to give it my sister for her Apple PB5300.
> The PB has OS8.1 installed and refuses to detect the
> HD 'cause the HD's MBR contains DOS information.
> I have no Mac or do know one to hijack.
> As far as I know Macs accept and format HD's if there's
> no information in the mbr, so there's one solution:
> # dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/hdX bs=512 count=1
> correct me if I'm wrong, please.

you would want /dev/zero, not /dev/null. but MacOS should be able to
read msdos partition tables, if you have PC Exchange installed.  i
have done this before... (it has to have an ordinary FAT partition on
it however, no other filesystem is supported).

> My question regarding parted is whether it's possible
> to write an Apple partion map on the HD when it's not
> in an Apple but a i86 notebook or desktop.

yes, but MacOS will still not accept the disk because it won't have
the proprietary Apple disk drivers on it.  

> would an apple computer accept these HD (generated with
> i86-parted on a duron with 'mklabel mac'):

no, but PowerPC GNU/Linux will.  (it has no need for that MacOS

> Disk label type: mac
> Minor    Start       End     Filesystem  Name                  Flags
> 1          0.000      0.031              Apple                 
> (parted) q

GNU/Linux will accept this, MacOS will not.

Ethan Benson

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