On Wed, 16 May 2001, Brendan J Simon wrote:

> I'm going to buy a G4 PowerBook :) :) :) :) :)
good for you (and Apple).
> I currently run Debian Linux/PPC Testing with kernel 2.4.2 on my G3 
> PowerBook :) :) :)
> I want to buy a writeable CD or DVD drive so I can backup and also boot 
> the machine from for installation and recovery purposes.  Does anyone 
> have a recommendatation of which devices would be suitable and supported 
> by Debian Linux ???  If possible I would also like to be able to use the 
> device on a Intel machine (eg. usb, eth or firewire connection).
We have DVD-RAM drives, with 4.7 GB and 2.6 GB, as external SCSI
devices. They work fine with recent 2.2.x kernels, x>17. 

We also have a Mac G$ with build-in IDE DVD-RAM. I got that thing to work
with Debian via the ide-scsi kernel module, which maps IDE devices on SCSI
devices, such that the SCSI drivers are used. The "uniform SCSI CD
driver" does know how to handle DVD-RAMs, while the IDE CD driver doesn't
(at least not for me, see the kernel versions above). 

Using USB should work ok, since USB mass storage gets mapped onto
SCSI. However, the USB support for mass storage in 2.2.x is
"experimental". I know nothing about being able to boot via USB mass

I have no experience with firewire. A SCSI PCMCIA card works fine on my
laptop to connect our external DVD-RAMS for backups. 

good luck, Stefan

---Stefan Kluth---------------Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter-----------
-  MPI fuer Physik         -  phone:  +49 89 32354 468  -      OPAL&  -
-  Foehringer Ring 6       -  fax:    +49 89 32354 305  -      ATLAS  -
---D-80805 Munich, Germany----e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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