On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 01:25:21PM -0400, Adam Goode wrote:
> Yes, built-in ethernet is crappy. On my 7500, with MACE, it works
> great for about 5-10 minutes, then becomes sporadic and eventually
> just stops working. A reboot fixes things perfectly.
> BUT, this is only in Linux. Under Mac OS 9, the ethernet works
> quite well and never has any problems (other than whatever problems
> there are in Mac OS). 
> So, the built-in ethernet can work, it is just a matter of crafting
> a robust driver to cope with its bugs and terrible nature. Mac OS 9
> has a robust driver, Linux does not. 
> It seems that NetBSD has a robust driver. Anyone up for a port of mace
> from NetBSD -> Linux? Think of the rewards! Now that old Mac can have
> reliable 10baseT Ethernet under Linux without adding any cards!
> It's just a matter of motivation, which is severely undermined by
> the existence of vastly superior, cheap PCI ethernet cards that work
> perfectly.
> But it might be fun...
Have you ever gotten full 10baseT speed out of mace cards under MacOS or
NetBSD?  I certainly didn't under MacOS, but I haven't tried NetBSD.  I
remember getting 50KB/sec transfer rates, while our x86 boxes were going at
full 10/100 speed to the same server...


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