I'm runnig a standard potato setup on a 7500. I was using a microspeed mactrac 2.0 trackball with the stock 601/100 and things worked okay. I've since upgraded to a XLR8 carrier with a 266 G3. Now when I run linux, I can't get a mouse click. xev reports nothing when any of the three buttons are pushed, but the pointer responds correctly. I've put in the original mouse and also failed to get a button event. If I set up mouse button emulation, I can get buttons 2&3, but not 1. I'm using the IMPS/2 protocal with /dev/input/mice. I've tried running linux with and without the XLR8 software extenstion active and get the same result.

Anyone know what I need to do to get the button events working?
Scott McMahan

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