I have several print queues on Linux (with LPR old), working OK with Samba. However, when I try to print from Mac with LaserWiter TCP/IP, I've got error 8827. I have created Desktop Printer with Desktop Printer Utlity (New Printer -> LPR), selected PPD, IP address and queue name. Verify command returns status OK. Printcap entry is below, but LaserWiter TCP/IP printing does not work no matter which queue name I enter in Desktop Printer Utlity (Phaser740L, lp1, tek_phaser740_queue). tek_phaser740_host is actually IP address of printer iteself. Printer works OK with AppleTalk, but I would like to use Linux print server for entire network. Phaser740L|lp1|tek_phaser740_host-tek_phaser740_queue-Phaser740L|tek_phaser 740_host tek_phaser740_queue:\ :lp=:\ :rm=tek_phaser740_host:\ :rp=tek_phaser740_queue:\ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/tek_phaser740_host-tek_phaser740_queue-Phaser740L:\ :lf=/var/spool/lpd/tek_phaser740_host-tek_phaser740_queue-Phaser740L/log:\ :af=/var/spool/lpd/tek_phaser740_host-tek_phaser740_queue-Phaser740L/acct: \ :ar:bk:mx#0:\ :tr=:cl:sh: Thanks in advance Andrei