On 9 Iyar 5761, Leyah Cynamon wrote:

> Thanks for the advice Charles.
> My ethernet aaui port is connected to a transceiver connected to a
> cable modem connected to my Internet Service Provider. so looks like i
> still am listening for other possible options re: printing.

If you are unwilling to buy a hub (which shouldn't affect either your
cable modem or your future printer connection adversely), then you might
just have to figure out how to print to it using the serial port.  NTR's
have some sort of serial print option, don't they?  I don't remember
what they emulate, though; I doubt you could send PostScript to it that
way, you'd have to see if GhostScript supported it.

Well, now, PostScript might work that way after all.  See the switch
settings for your printer at:


Looks like you could do either HP/PCL4 (supported by GS) or straight
PostScript (even better).  You just need a serial cable rather than a
LocalTalk cable.

Setting it up beyond that is pretty far out of my ball park, but maybe
that's a start.  For my time and money, I would rather use a hub and
some kind of LocalTalk bridge; setting up serial ports on Macs running
Linux these days can be a pain.
Charles Sebold
9th of Iyar, 5761
"I hate people who use the term 'it's me'! It's so egotistic!
 It's like those hip musicians with their complicated shoes!"

 -- George Costanza, "Seinfeld"

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