On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 06:05:32PM +0200, Landry BRUNEL wrote:
> Hello, 
> I've just installed the last debian distrib on a 7200/90. It includes
> the 2.2.19 kernel and a quik.conf.
> I have no macos partition (so no bootX) and I didn't managed to get the
> nvram tuned to boot debian directly after many tries and nvram reinit.

nvsetenv boot-device scsi/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0

is all you need. 

> I've found a floppy on the bootX archive (version 1.2.2), which contains
> a bootable hfs file system with the 2.2.15 kernel. This floppy finds
> itself the bootable partition on my hdd. It looks like a good solution.

miboot (what your refering to) is really a pain in the ass.  your
better off with quik.  if you can live without seeing the quik prompt
except on a serial terminal.  (miboot has no useful interface anyway
so no loss)

> So my question is, how can I make a bootable hfs floppy (with 2.2.19
> kernel on it) from my debian 7200/90 or an NT PC or a solris station ?

here is the steps

hexeditor miboot.bin
<find the kernel arguments and change them to match your system>

hformat -l bootstrap /dev/fd0
hcopy miboot.bin :System
hcopy /dev/null :Finder
hcopy /boot/vmlinux :
hattrib +l -t zsys -c MACS :System
hattrib +l -t FNDR -c MACS :Finder
hattrib -b :
dd if=hfsbootblock.b of=/dev/fd0

then eject the floppy and set the write protect tab.  

some of these steps may need to be altered a bit, get the
boot-floppies source for more details.  

but i recommend quik, it works actually quite well on the 7200 since
kernel 2.2.17 (before that things were flaky). 

Ethan Benson

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